Thursday, May 27, 2010

Are You Ready for the 21st Century? : Quick Response

Hello English 10:

Since school is almost out and you'll be set free for the summer, I wanted to ask you a couple questions before you go. Are you ready for the 21st Century? Do you feel that you're ready for junior year? What are some improvements you would like to see in our school curriculum?

Read this article/student survey about the "iGeneration" and their readiness for the 21st century.

After reading this write and post at least a paragraph answering the questions: Are you ready? Do you think that distance learning and online electives are a good idea? What would make your learning experience even more engaging?

Take this seriously. I don't want to hear about how you may want to spend the school day listening to your iPod, texting on your phone, or playing video games. That's not going to happen! But, if you give us teachers some tangible and real ideas we may be able to incorporate your good ideas!

Ms. Young

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Shakespearean Scavenger Hunt!

Hey English 10,

We will start reading The Tragedy of Julius Shakespeare next week, but before we do it may be a good idea to refresh our memories about Shakespeare! What better way to do that then a fun, interactive scavenger hunt? Go to the websites provided to find the answers to these questions and much more! Write you answers on a separate piece of paper. Please remember to use fill sentences, correct punctuation, and to write legibly. Finally, the Essential Question at the bottom is worth the most points, so really take your time and answer it the best you can in at least a paragraph. Happy Hunting!

Shakespearean Scavenger Hunt!

Shakespeare Online- Biography

Shakespeare’s Influence:

1. Give four reasons why Shakespeare is and was so popular and influential. (Scroll down on the Home Page for the link)

Shakespeare the Actor and Playwright:

2. What are Shakespeare’s “lost years” and when did they occur?

3. In 1593, Shakespeare’s life hit a turning point. What was it?

Cambridge University Press: The Genres of Shakespeare

Shakespeare’s plays are categorized into three different genres: Tragedy, Comedy, and History.

5. Describe the genre of Tragedy.

6. Describe the genre of Comedy.

7. Describe the genre of History.

Background & Synopsis to Julius Caesar

We will be reading The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, one of Shakespeare’s great historical tragedies. Find the answer to this background questions to help prepare you for the play’s themes.

8. Why is Brutus the tragic hero of the play? What struggle does he have to face?

9. This play is not only about the violent stabbing of Caesar, what else is it about?

Essential Question: Shakespeare’s main focus while writing is on that of the human experience. His characters and the struggles they must go through are rich with human experiences: love, hate, revenge, loyalty, betrayal, fear, and misunderstanding. Why is it important that we study universal themes that define the human experience? What does it do for us?

Extra Credit:

Since you will be writing this assignment out and turning it in during class, I'd like to offer you some tech extra credit! Find three things on the website provided about Shakespeare or his plays that you found interesting (and are not covered in the assignment questions). Post them to this blog in full sentences, with correct punctuation, and with the website citation.